August 16, 2010 

 Kreepy Monkey
Date: Winter 1999
Location: New Brunswick, NJ

Description: The story of Kreepy Monkey started innocently enough.  Roommate Bryan had this stuffed monkey that he kept that was just a little off - the eyes were spaced too far apart, the mouth permanently frozen in an askew smirk.  He freaked out an awful lot of people.  So Bryan and I would place him in very specific areas in the house to catch each other off guard: in the background of the bathroom so he was visible when looking in the mirror, rooting around in the knife drawer, in someone's undies.  As the semester grew older, we got more elaborate with our Kreepy Monkey poses.  This one seen here was one of Bryan's more elaborate ones, which was simultaneously frightening and brilliant.  The story of Kreepy Monkey would ultimately involve cloning, international travel and acclaim, and even death threats.  I assure you, this is not the last you've seen of Kreepy Monkey.

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