June 22, 2010
The Dew Run (Run Run)
Date: Spring 1996
Location: Oakland, NJ
Description: When Aaron, Kevin, Will and I got together, one of a few things would happen: 1) We would film very silly skits. 2) We would write silly songs. 3) We would do silly things in public. (In certain circumstances, such as the "Sound of Music Performed on a Foggy Evening In the Grand Union Parking Lot" skit, we incorporated all three.) While we did make quite a few skits this night, it was easily more recognized as the night we went to CVS. Usually, on skit nights, we would all bring along plenty of odd props. And around midnight we realized that we were out of Mountain Dew, a staple of these nights. So we got dressed up and headed over to the 24-hr CVS to buy more. As we enter, we head to the soda, and over the loudspeaker we hear "Can I get so-and-so up at the main counter?" People were keeping an eye on us. Dressed like that, we certainly meant trouble. As we go to pay, the guy starts ringing us up then says, "Sorry, guys, but I gotta ask. What is with the costumes? Is it Halloween?" I believe it was Aaron who nonchalantly replied, "It is Friday." There were many out there who thought we were on drugs at this time. In retrospect, I probably should not have been so quick to dismiss their unfounded concern.