June 15, 2010

Brotherly Love
Date: 1998 Maybe?
Location: Inside?


Description: I wish I could say with conviction that I knew whose wedding this was in particular.  And if it’s one of the two I think it was, I wish I could say with conviction that I knew when it happened, even a rough year.  But, things as it stands, this will be a free-floating memory in time.  Which is probably all for the best since it features my oldest brothers in their youthful element.  Truth be told, if a picture of them was to be taken today, it would look largely the same except for the condition and color of their hair.  I always felt personality shots were better than “pretty” shots, and this is one of the prime reasons why I enjoy my family as much as I do.  In fact, one of the greatest reasons to have those disposable cameras at your reception is because of people like Craig and Doug who will pick them up and take silly pictures with them.  I know of a few choice ones taken by good friends of theirs.


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