May 10, 2010
Two Girls in a Trunk
Date: Summer 1996
Location: Cheesequake, NJ
Description: My love life in high school was a pretty easy target for ridicule, as I spent about 75% of it single, and probably 80% of that time bitching about it. However, it was rarely said that I didn’t have plenty of attractive female friends, at least by the end of high school. Being a straight male member of Gold Masque, the theatre group, probably didn’t hurt that (heh heh… straight male member.) This ballooned after graduation when many of us were a part of Godspell, a show that ultimately resulted in more drama in our social circle than anything we’d seen before then. However, it also produced some pretty good times. During one of our many trips to the shore, we made our obligatory stop at the Cheesequake Rest Stop and I managed to wrangle two of my pretty friends and get in my trunk for a photo op. Rather, it’s not even my car, so they’re just in a trunk, probably of one of their cars. But I will continue to say this was how I managed to get ladies back home during those tumultuous times. I’ll leave it to your imagination to figure out what we all did when we got there. (Hint: it probably involved them going back to their homes.)