August 31, 2010 

 Wally's Bistro
Date: July, 2000
Location: Fair Lawn, NJ

Description: For a show that was probably my least funny comedy (as it was based on a premise rather than an actual series of funny lines), How Horribly... had its fair share of shenanigans.  And I'm sure Bryan Fenkart, who is now understudying the lead role in the Broadway musical Memphis has drawn much from his role as Wellington.  In all reality, though, Bryan well remembers this final dress-rehearsal where he ignored my request and decided to use his short run disguised as "Wally" to deliberately disrupt the play and make Stephanie and I crack on stage.  It worked, but fortunately this was just a rehearsal.  No, we wouldn't lose it on stage for a good few days later when Bryan had a very unfortunate situation with his spirit gum in what has widely become known as The Mustache Incident, one of only two times I've broken character during a play.  Well played, Bryan.

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