August 9, 2010
Fort Nonsense
Date: Early Spring, 2006
Location: Morristown, NJ
Description: First off, this place actually exists. Despite the fact that the big N in the sign looks photoshopped, it's not. The picture is just blurry. In fact, it was largely because the picture was blurry that it wasn't a front-runner for the album cover for my album, Love is Kinda Funny Sometimes. Originally, I had the idea for the cover to be giving flowers to a cop who was writing me a ticket. After about a half dozen police precincts and realizing that cops don't have senses of humor, we ended up at Fort Nonsense to find a new cover. Thanks to the quick-thinking (and awesome photo-taking skills) of my friend Sam, we were able to take a number of great photos. How it was decided that the flowers should be primarily stuffed down my pants for this photo shoot is still beyond me, but we did get a number of good photos out of it. And remember, whenever at Fort Nonsense, you'd best salute in the proper way.