July 26, 2010
Aqua Bottom
Date: Summer 2000 (?)
Location: Wyckoff NJ
Description: I have done countless things in my life that risked severe injury, and only slightly less that actually hurt me to some degree. During this timeframe, those numbers are raised because of my affiliation with Bryan Fenkart and his association with wrestling. One summer day we decided to horse around and I thought it would be a good idea if Scott Rock-Bottomed me into the pool. We did it and grabbed a picture, but it didn't look good. The problem was he sorta dove in and I sorta back-dove in. It wasn't impactful. So we staged this picture, where we went LEGIT. Needless to say, I had no idea falling on your back in the water could bruise the front of your ribs. This is exactly what happened, as I had bruises on my torso for a good week. I suppose the positive that came from this is that we got a silly picture that I can gaze at, forever remembering the pain.