March 24, 2010
Deer in Headlights
Date: ~1979
Location: Unknown
Description: Ah, twins, the joy of buying clothes that aren’t exactly identical, but can be bought in bulk nonetheless. Much about Mitch and I was similar growing up, including our looks of bewilderment when someone thought standing directly over us to take a photo of us was a good angle. This picture shows that these were simpler days indeed: dogs didn’t need pesky collars, a six pack of bottles made a suitable toy for kids, and feng shui was a totally foreign concept. Also, based on this picture, one might be surprised that I never went on to be a high-ranking Republican official, since I clearly had the hairstyle and forehead for it. Then again, I am holding something black close to me, so perhaps I wouldn’t have made a great Republican after all (ZING!) This is likely at some relative’s house, but considering I didn’t know this picture existed before 2010, I’ll just have to say look at it and make your own best guesses.