January 8, 2010


Date: July 1, 2006

Location: Southington, CT


Description: The LiCkAtHoN (R.I.P.) was perhaps the single most enjoyable day of disc golf in history.  Founded by Joe "Lick Me" Proud, this was a tournament that played four rounds of disc golf on four courses in one day.  The fourth 'course' was a temporary course set up around the homes and pools of his neighbors, who treated the event like a block party, offering beers and jello shots.  Halfway through the final round, someone told me a comical story of a guy who threw a shot on a guy's low roof the year before.  I laughed it off - you'd have to be WAY off to do that.  So I drive and, sure enough, I put it on the HIGHER roof.  The guy, clearly one of the coolest guys of all time, let me get a ladder out and climb up to take my shot so I didn't get hit with a penalty stroke.  The basket is on the edge of the pool (the chains are visible between the slats of wood in the deck.)  I chained out right, but jumped in the pool and got my par.  To celebrate, I had two jello shots (off camera right.)  I miss the LiCkAtHoN something fierce.  This picture was taken by fellow Faction member, Cromwell.


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