Full Name: Pelé
Nickname(s): Edison Arantes Do Nascimento, Dico, The King, Dorothea
Screen Name: Shit_Kikkin
Claim to Fame: playing futbol (also called tennis in other countries), inventing the thermometer
Current Residence: on the front of Atari 2600's Pelé's Soccer
Pets? as a spokesman for Viagra, just one, but he's very responsive
What are you reading now? one of my many autobiographies - I write so many that the most recent one is just about what I had for lunch one day in 2002
Favorite fast food place/restaurant? Pelé's Other Garden in Hawaii
What’s your favorite game? Kick the Can
Favorite song? Anything by Linda Rondstadt
Favorite sexual position? the Striker (a bicycle kick to the vag)
Favorite drink (non-alcoholic)? the sweat of my opponents
Favorite drink (alcoholic)? Tequila Sunrise
Favorite smell? victory, and oddly enough defeat
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? still black
What’s under your bed? my award for winning Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committe: a $20 gift certificate to Applebees
What’s the first thing you think of in the morning? "What the fuck is a pele? Is it a dirty Spanish euphemism? A Starbucks coffee size? Rodent droppings? Seriously, what gives?"
Where is the best place you have ever been? New York to play for the New York Cosmos. I bet you didn't know NY had futbol. Yeah, neither did I, really.
Worst place? France
Pet peeves? defenders, my flattop hair (and later that Kid of Kid N Play fame ripped it off)
What would you say is your best characteristic? my acting ability - look for me in an upcoming made-for-TV movie about a futbol player who impregnates a soccer mom, Who's the Pele Daddy?
Worst characteristic? my creativity - our first futbol team was the 'shoeless ones' which, as the name implies, meant that we couldn't think of anything halfway decent
If you could meet someone, dead or alive, who would it be? Beckham, to see how, exactly, it was bent
Do you believe in UFOs? most of them are futbols that I kicked into the troposphere
What did you do on your last birthday? played my neighborhood kids in a game of futbol. I won 149-0
If you could have any job, what would it be? the Philly Phanatic
What is the most important thing in life? having a short, memorable nickname
What is your greatest fear? that I will attempt to head a ball, but since my eyesight is not so good anymore, I will head a Mazda
Have you ever been in love? with Mia Hamm (it's the bra)
What is your motto? "If you experience an erection for more than four hours, consult a physician"
What would you like to be remembered for? I am a true ambassador for sports and kids, as is proved by the fact that my full name, Edison Arantes Do Nascimento, when rearranged spells out 'a sane steroids condemnation'
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