Nickname(s): Pete Rodriguez
Screen Name: DadummDadumm
Claim to Fame: I know Steven Spielberg
Current Residence: ???
Pets? A remora named Pickles
What are you reading now? “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville
Favorite fast food place/restaurant? The Ocean Surface
Favorite song? You gotta admit, my entrance music kicks ass
Favorite drink (non-alcoholic)? Salt water – I just love it
Favorite smell? Fear, cinnamon
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Non-Robotic Shark Grey
What’s the first thing you think of in the morning? “I had no idea Publisher’s Clearing House makes trips this far down”
Where is the best place you have ever been? South Street Seaport – it’s a veritable meat market there
Pet peeves? Boat rudders, whalers, documentary filmmakers in cages, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
What would you say is your best characteristic? My ability to listen
If you could meet someone, dead or alive, who would it be? The whale from Free Willy – and the kid too, I suppose
Do you believe in UFOs? I hope so – I’m running out of humans
What did you do on your last birthday? My taxes…stupid March birthday
If you could have any job, what would it be? A swashbuckler
What is the most important thing in life? 3 square meals a day, I swear
Have you ever been in love? Ate her too…
What is your motto? It’s a CREDO you ass, not a motto. A C-R-E-D-O! Now I’m too upset to tell you what it is
What would you like to be remembered for? This interview is over
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